Mikdad: Syria committed to Non-Aligned Movement’s principles despite terrorist war

Belgrade, SANA-Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Faysal Mikdad, called on countries of the Non-Aligned movement to activate their historic relations and contribute to rebalancing the international relations to achieve a world which is prevailed by peace, security and cooperation.

Mikdad added in a statement at the high-level meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement states held in the Serbian city of Belgrade that the US, France and Britain, which are supposed to preserve the international peace and security as permanent members at the UN Security Council, have not read well the principles of the Non-Aligned Movement.

He said that members of the Movement, since its foundation before 60 years, agreed to achieve a world which is prevailed by peace, equality and cooperation, based on the respect, independence and territorial integrity of the countries.

Mikdad stressed that Syria is committed today more than ever to the principles of the Non-Aligned Movement that were approved at  Bandung and Belgrade conferences despite the terrorist and economic war waged against it and the big volume of challenges that affect the world, most importantly is terrorism.

He added that the terrorist acts committed by Daesh and Jabhat al-Nusra with all their names and other organizations and entities linked to them in Syria and in many parts of Arab countries and the world are clear evidence of the escalation of terrorism phenomenon to reach unprecedented levels.

Mikdad clarified “After some well-known countries failed to achieve their goals through military and terrorist intervention in some countries of the Non-Aligned Movement under illegal and false pretexts, they escalated their economic terrorism in Syria by approving the so-called Caesar Act , which affects the lives of Syrians and impedes the humanitarian and relief work of international organizations  working in the country.”

He went on to say that Syria condemns in the strongest terms the unilateral coercive measures imposed by the US , the European Union and other countries on it and on some countries of the Non-Aligned Movement, including Iran, Venezuela, Nicaragua, the Democratic Republic of Korea, Cuba and Belarus, in addition to Russia to achieve political goals and agendas.

“Some states use the pretext of the so-called international coalition to combat terrorism of Daesh to carry out their geopolitical agendas in Syria and the region,” Mikdad said.

He added that the Turkish regime has brought terrorists from all over the world in an attempt to destroy Syria and practice water terrorism by cutting off water in Hasaka.

Mikdad stressed that Syria will strongly face all forms of occupation, aggression, US, Turkish and Israeli terrorism, reaffirming that Syria will exert all efforts to bring back all its occupied territories and combat terrorism.

He stressed Syria’s right to restore the occupied Golan and its principled stance in support of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and establish their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Nisreen Othman/ Bushra Dabin/ Mazen Eyon

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