Syrian clans, tribes and national elites express support to popular resistance in al-Jazeera region against occupation and its mercenaries

Aleppo, SANA- The Arab clans, tribes and national elites affirmed their support to the popular resistance that started in al-Jazeera region against the occupier, its mercenaries and tools.

The Syrian tribes, in a final statement concluding their 3rd meeting, expressed readiness to extend moral and material help to the popular resistance until expelling the occupier and its tools from the Syrian territories.

They reiterated that “Damascus is the capital of all the Syrians and their compass”, hailing the victories achieved by the Syrian Arab Army in Aleppo, Idleb and other Syrian areas under the courageous leadership of President Bashar al-Assad.

The participants also expressed their rejection of any illegitimate foreign presence on the Syrian territories, calling for fighting the occupiers in the northern areas and al-Jazeera in all available means till expelling the last occupier soldier from Syria.

The statement voiced commitment to the national principles, asserting Syria’s unity and territorial integrity under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad.

The Syrian Arab army is a great army which protects Syria’s unity and integrity, they said, hailing the Army’s sacrifices in defending the Syrian lands.

They said that the natural and economic resources are the right of the Syrian people only and none has the right to tamper with them,  expressing categorical rejection of any illegitimate foreign presence on the Syrian lands, and calling for fighting the US and Turkish occupation by all possible means till expelling the latest occupier soldier from Syria.

They expressed categorical rejection of any illegitimate foreign presence on the Syrian lands, calling for fighting the US and Turkish occupation by all possible means till expelling the latest occupier soldier from Syria.

The participants also thanked Russia and Iran for their supportive stances to the Syrian army and people which contribute to enhancing the Syrian people’s resilience and steadfastness in facing the repercussions of the unfair economic siege.

In their statement, the participants called for the international community to put pressure on the western states to lift the unfair economic sanctions on the Syrian people which contribute to increasing their suffering, especially their essential humanitarian needs.

Sheikh Faiq al-Obaidi, representative of the Iraqi Arab tribes, affirmed that the National Council of Iraqi Tribes condemns the US and Turkish intervention and aggression on the territories of the Syrian Arab Republic, calling on members of the Syrian tribes to the necessity of unifying as one rank in resisting this occupation.

He added that all sons of the Iraqi clans are in solidarity with their brothers in Syria and ready to sacrifice their souls for the sake of liberating the land and protecting it from the occupier.

The representative of the National Council for Arab Tribes, Sheikh Mahmoud al-Ali, pointed out that this meeting is to reject all forms of the US and Turkish invasion and occupation of the Syrian territories, calling on all members of Arab tribes and clans to stand together in facing this occupation.

He also called on the rest of the clans and tribes that are subjected to the US and Turkish occupation forces to rise up in the face of this occupation and to return to the lap of the homeland Syria.

English Bulletin

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