On Syrian Press Day… Prime Minister’s Office and Information Minister salute media workers

Damascus, SANA – Syrian journalists celebrate Syrian Press Day today as they stand in the face of a fierce foreign media war which is a part of the military, economic, cultural, and terrorist war against Syria, dedicating their pens, cameras, and even their lives to defend their homeland, convey the truth, and expose the media misinformation campaigns and conspiracies of the hostile states targeting Syria and its national and Pan-Arab principles.

On the 14th anniversary of the Syrian Press Day, the Prime Minister’s Office saluted the national media staff who proved that they champion truth and justice, offering their all in defense of their homeland’s sovereignty and independence, in addition to their major role in conveying the truth of what is happening on the ground.

In a statement published on its website, the Prime Minister’s Office saluted all members of the Syrian journalism, including those who were martyred and injured, who accompanied the victories of the Syrian Arab Army and relayed them to the world, exposing the lies and allegations of the media outlets that participated in shedding the Syrians’ blood, as well as exposing the systematic crimes of terrorists who destroyed the infrastructure built throughout long years of work and development.

In turn, Information Minister Imad Sara said in a statement to journalists that the national media staff work proficiently to reveal the misleading and distorting campaigns carried out by some mercenary journalists and media empires against Syria, saying “We as national media have to confront these misleading campaigns and expose their terrorism… and our weapon is our faith in Syria, its army, and leadership.”

In the same context, the Journalists Union said in a statement that journalists were at the heart of every phase of the war waged against Syria, and they accompanied the Syrian Arab Army on the ground, exposed the lies of hostile media, and followed up on the concerns and problems of citizens.

Aug 15th was chosen as the Syrian Press Day in 2006 after President Bashar al-Assad visited the fourth General Conference of the Journalists Union.

Baraa Ali / Hazem Sabbagh

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