Nasrallah: Hezbollah supports every effort aiming at preventing bloodshed and paving way for reconciliation in Syria

Beirut, SANA- Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah affirmed on Sunday that Hezbollah supports every effort which aims at preventing bloodshed and paving the way for reconciliation and political solutions in Syria.

In a speech during a memorial ceremony in Baalbek, Nasrallah refuted allegations, lies, and slanders leveled at Hezbollah by terrorism-sponsoring states and by deceptive and Takfiri TV channels that are carrying out a campaign of false allegations about Hezbollah’s position on the ceasefire in Syria.

The Secretary General affirmed that Hezbollah endorses and strongly supports not only the ceasefire, which was agreed upon in Astana, but also any other ceasefire in Syria which could be agreed upon, as it supports every action or measure that leads to preventing bloodshed and gives an opportunity for national reconciliation and political solutions.

He affirmed that those who level accusations at Hezbollah are actually the ones who are trying to disrupt the ceasefire agreement along with those who support them in Arab Gulf and Western regimes that support terrorist groups.

He pointed out that all the lies and accusations about making demographic changes in Syria seek to incite sectarianism, because the malicious channels and states have nothing left to say about Syria except for allegations and lies.

Nasrallah said that Hezbollah is keen to address humanitarian crises in Syria, particularly the terrorist-besieged towns of Kefraya and al-Fouaa in Idleb.

He stressed that the course of events in Syria is now different than it was during the past six years, and this was made possible by the steadfastness of Syria’s people, leadership, army, and all those who refused to submit to terrorism, adding that a major shift took place after the world discovered that the “hotel oppositions” don’t represent on the ground and that those labeled “moderate opposition” are nothing but a modest fraction of the armed groups on the ground.

Regarding the issue of displaced Syrians living in Lebanon, Nasrallah called for dealing with this issue in a moral and humane manner removed from political considerations and exploitation, calling for cooperating to help the displaced return to their homes, in addition to calling on the Lebanese government to consider ways for establishing official contact with the Syrian government regarding this issue.

Manar al-Freih / Hazem Sabbagh

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