Ambassadors in Russia stress need to support Palestinian people in their struggle to obtain their legitimate rights

Moscow , SANA- Ambassadors of Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Iran in Russia stressed on Thursday the importance of supporting the Palestinian people in their struggle to obtain their legitimate rights and establish their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Riyad Haddad, Syria’s Ambassador to Russia, said at a press conference in Moscow on the occasion of the International Quds Day that this day, which is linked to the conscience of every Arab, Muslim and human being who stands with goodness and justice, reminds us of the central issue that we have set as a compass for us to be confident that we are on the right side of history.

“Al-Quds Day comes this year within exceptional circumstances as attacks of the Zionist occupation against the Palestinians escalate depending on limitless support by Western countries, led by the United States that supports terrorism wherever it is found in the world, Ambassador Haddad said, appreciating the Palestinians’ resilience in the face of the occupation and those who support it.

Haddad added “our world today is passing through important changes at the international level as a result of the courageous decision taken by the Russian Federation to defend people of Donbass who have resisted a terrorism that does not differ in its methods from the terrorism of the Zionist enemy or the terrorism of armed groups that wreaked havoc in Syria.

He added that Syria was one of the first countries to support Russia in its military operation, affirming that this operation serves the interest of nations and is consistent in its goals with the goals of the resistant peoples in our region.

In an interview with SANA correspondent in Moscow, Palestine Ambassador, Abdel Hafeez Nofal, affirmed that “Syria has a special place in the heart of every Palestinian, and we are confident that the Syrian people were and will remain providing support for Palestine and its people.”.

Fedaa al-Rhayiah/MHD Ibrahim/Mazen Eyon

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