Final statement of the international conference on return of refugees affirms commitment to Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity

Damascus, SANA_ The closing statement of the International Conference on the Return of Syrian Refugees, which wrapped up activities on Thursday, affirmed the firm support for the unity, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Syria, and confronting all attempts to undermine its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The final statement stressed adherence to Syria’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab republic and to the goals and principles of the UN charter.

It called for strongly confronting all attempts aiming to undermine the national sovereignty and the territorial integrity of Syria which poses threat to the stability and security of the region.

The statement also called for going ahead in combatting terrorism, with all its forms, until the final elimination of Daesh and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organizations and all individuals, groups and organizations affiliated to al-Qaeda.

The statement reiterated that the crisis in Syria can’t be solved militarily ,but rather by settling it through political process led and carried out by the Syrians themselves  with the assistance of the United Nation , with focus on the significant role of the Committee of Discussing the Constitution which was formed as per an implementation of the decisions of the Syrian National Dialogue conference in Sochi and  which  must keep seeking to constructive and harmonic cooperation without any foreign interference or imposing specific time -lines with the aim of reaching general agreement among their members.

It expressed deep concern for the humanitarian conditions in Syria and the impact of the global epidemic of Coronavirus ,saying that this issue increases to a big degree the difficulties that face the work of health-care system in the country in addition to the humanitarian, economic and social conditions, with emphasizing on the rejection of all unilateral sanctions that contradict the humanitarian international law and the UN Charter.

The statement pointed out to the necessity of making a progress in more comprehensive settlement process that help mobilize the humanitarian efforts for all Syrians in need in all territories of Syria without any discrimination or politicization.

The statement pointed out to the necessity of offering assistance for a safe return for the displaced to their chosen places of residence and reconstructing the affected areas according to the International law and in line with Security Council Resolution no 2254.

It also called on the International Community to help providing housing for the displaced and their return to normal life and increase its contribution in this regard.

The statement reiterated the Syrian government’s willingness not only to repatriate its citizens to the homeland, but to continue all efforts exerted to provide good living conditions for them, with the invitation of the International Community and relevant agencies of the UN to offer the necessary support for the Syrian displaced,  as well as, support for Syria and other countries to  ensure their legitimate and steady right of return.

English Bulletin

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