Fallouh: Syria fights terrorism on its land until liberating every span of it

New York, SANA-Acting Charge de ’Affairs of Syria’s permanent mission to the UN, Louay Fallouh, said on Wednesday that some states at UN Security council exploit it to market for baseless allegations and hinder the Syrian state’s measures in protecting its citizens from practices of terrorists.

Fallouh added in a speech at a UN Security council session on the situation in Syria that a number of western states have escalated their hostile procedures against Syria to prolong the span of the crisis in the country and obstruct the state’s efforts to combat terrorism.

He added that Erdogan’s outlaw regime, supported by western states, continues its aggression on Syrian territories in a bid to rescue its tools of terrorist groups.

The Syrian diplomat stressed that Syria fights terrorism on its land, and it will continue to do so until liberating every span of it.

Fallouh went on to say that Astana and Sochi agreements won’t allow terrorists to make Idleb and its surroundings as a stronghold for them or continue their method to take civilians as human shields.

“The Turkish regime continues supporting the terrorist organizations in Idleb, and it has lately entered a big quantity of arms and munitions to the area and targeted residential areas and military points,” Fallouh said.

He added that the UN has to hold terrorist groups responsible for the destruction and suffering of citizens in Idleb and many other areas.

Fallouh affirmed that the Syrian state is committed to the safety of its citizens and “We are astonished that some UNSC member states ignore the crimes of terrorists and defend them.”

He added that having a success in reaching a solution to the crisis in Syria requires eliminating terrorism and putting an end to the practices of states that support it, stopping their intervention in the country and aggression on Syria.

Fallouh clarified that thousands of Syrians began returning to their residential places in the liberated areas of Aleppo, Idleb and Hama, calling on all displaced Syrians, who were forced to leave their villages because of terrorism, to return home.

Mazen Eyon

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