Damascus, SANA_ A 500-meter long Sroujieh Souq (market) is located near Damascus Castle and distinguished by its arched wooden and metal roof. It is famous for manufacturing and selling saddles …
January, 2019
11 January
Bab Qinnasrin… One of Aleppo’s historical landmarks
Aleppo, SANA_ Bab Qinnasrin (gate of Qinnasrin) is one of the oldest monuments in Aleppo City. It was built by Sayf al-Dawla al-Hamdani and renovated during the reign of King …
8 January
Amazing mosaic painting decorates floor of Heit church in Daraa
Daraa, SANA_ An amazing and creative mosaic painting decorates the floor of Heit Church in Daraa western countryside. The painting consists a variety of plant, engineering, animal and human images …
7 January
Syria is affected by polar low, heavy snow in a number of provinces
Damascus, SANA- Syria is affected by a polar low where the temperature dropped and heavy snow fell in a number of provinces. SANA Camera took some photos of snowfalls. Snow …