Aleppo, SANA- Meeting a number of chairmen and members of chambers of commerce in the provinces who are participating in the 3rd Industrial Conference , Prime Minister Imad Khamis reviewed …
November, 2018
6 November
High turnout for Syria’s pavilions in China International Import Expo
Beijing, SANA – Syrian pavilions in China International Import Expo, being held in Shanghai, witnessed a high turnout by the visitors and participants. Syria participates in activities of the exhibition …
6 November
3rd Industrial Conference calls for developing national industry
Aleppo, SANA- Concluding its activities in Aleppo on Monday evening, the 3rd Industrial Conference called for taking a bunch of measures for developing the national industry through rehabilitating the Vocational …
5 November
3rd Industrial Conference kicks off in Aleppo
Aleppo, SANA- The 3rd Industrial Conference, organized by the Syrian Ministry of Industry, on Monday started activities at Shahba Hotel in Aleppo in presence of Prime Minister Imad Khamis and …
5 November
Syria participates in China International Import Expo
Beijing, SANA- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday announced the opening of China International Import Expo in Shanghai with the participation of more than 130 states including Syria. In a …
4 November
Syrian pharmacists chief: Syria exports medicine to 16 countries
Damascus, SANA- Chief of Syrian Pharmacists Dr. Mahmoud Al-Hassan said Syria is currently exporting medicine to 16 countries, including Iraq. Al-Hassan said that the volume of the Syrian pharmaceutical exports …
2 November
Syria’s economic capital is back to map of industrial activity, clothing production is just an example
Aleppo, SANA – The industry wheel in Syria’s economic capital has started to get on with the production line of famous Aleppo clothing industry’s turning back, although it hasn’t completely …
2 November
Deir Attiyah 1 gas well put into service
Homs, SANA – The Petroleum and Mineral Resources Ministry on Friday put the Deir Attiyah 1 natural gas well in Deir Attiyah gas field into production, with an estimated production …
October, 2018
31 October
Syria and Poland to enhance economic, trade relations
Damascus, SANA- A Polish parliamentary delegation, which is currently visiting Syria, discussed on Wednesday with Members of the Board of Directors at Damascus Chamber of Commerce and Chamber of Industry means of …
31 October
President al-Assad refers bill of 2019 state general budget to People’s Assembly
Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday referred the bill on the state general budget for the 2019 fiscal year to the People’s Assembly. The bill, which was discussed …