Prague, SANA- Head of the Czech Parliamentary Group for Friendship with Syria, Dr. Stanislav Grospic, has condemned the criminal practices of the Turkish regime in Syria which include impeding the …
May, 2021
12 May
President al-Assad receives Zarif.. talks deal with bilateral relations and enhancing cooperation
Damascus, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad received on Wednesday Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, and an accompanying delegation. Talks during the meeting dealt with bilateral relations between the two countries and …
12 May
Sabbagh: Syria paid precious price for its adherence to Palestinian cause
Damascus, SANA- With participation of a Syrian delegation chaired by Speaker, Hammouda Sabbagh, the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union held on Wednesday a virtual meeting within its 31st emergency conference to discuss …
12 May
Former Russian Parliamentarian: Holding Presidential elections reflects democratic situation in Syria
Moscow, SANA- Former member of the State Duma and Russian political analyst Darya Mitina has affirmed that holding the presidential elections clearly reflects the democratic situation which Syria is going …
11 May
Syrian-Iraqi talks on Turkish regime’s measures in Euphrates and Tigris rivers
Damascus, SANA – Minister of Water Resources, Tammam Ra’ad, discussed on Tuesday with Iraqi counterpart, Mehdi Rashid al-Hamdani, developments related to the procedures of the Turkish regime that led to …
11 May
Holding presidential elections affirms Syria’s adherence to its sovereignty, Blaha says
Bratislava, SANA-Member of the Slovak Parliament Luboš Blaha has stressed that holding the Presidential elections affirms Syria’s adherence to its sovereignty and independence and its determination to move forward on …
10 May
Mikdad receives a copy of credentials of Iran’s Ambassador
Damascus, SANA- Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Faysal Mikdad, received on Monday a copy of credentials of the new ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Syria, Mehdi Sobhani. Ambassador …
10 May
NATO policy towards Syria, other states proves its aggressiveness, criminality, Hrdlička says
Prague, SANA- Leader of the Communist Party of Slovakia (KSS) Jozef Hrdlička has affirmed that the policy of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) towards Syria and other states proves …
9 May
Cyprus doctors, Syrian community in Kuwait and South Africa call for removing coercive measures imposed on Syria
Capitals, SANA -Head of Cyprus Doctors’ Syndicate, Dr. Petros Aganthilo, called on the European Union to lift the unilateral coercive measures imposed on the Syrian people. In a letter addressed …
9 May
Health Ministry receives 40 ambulances provided by WHO
Damascus, SANA- The Health Ministry announced on Sunday that it received 40 ambulances provided by the World Health Organization(WHO) with the aim of supporting the ambulance system on which huge …