General Ayoub visits Hmeimem airbase to offer congratulations to Russian soldiers on the 71st anniversary of Victory Day over Nazism

Lattakia, SANA-Upon the directives of President Bashar al-Assad, Commander-in-Chief of the army and armed forces, Chief of Staff of the army, Lieutenant General Ali Abdullah Ayoub visited on Monday Hmeimem military airbase and offered congratulations, on behalf of President al-Assad and the army, to the Russian soldiers and officers on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of Victory Day over Nazism.


General Ayoub, in a speech delivered on this occasion, expressed the Syrian people and army’s appreciation for the sacrifices of the Russian soldiers and the stance of federal Russia, affirming that the steadfastness and the Syrian army, its sacrifices and the support of its friends will bring victory over the new Nazism, represented by the international terrorism on the Syrian territories.

The celebration included a military parade in which Syrian and Russian units took part, in addition to different military air parades.

A number of Russian soldiers were also honored.





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