Chinese FM: Political solution in Syria is ultimate way of solving humanitarian crisis

London, SANA – Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi called on the international community to step up efforts to seek a political solution to the crisis in Syria, saying this is “the ultimate way of solving the country’s humanitarian crisis”.

Speaking at the Supporting Syria and the Region conference in London, Wang said “China has been providing humanitarian assistance to Syria and the region through various channels,” adding that “China is a country actively pushing for a political solution to the Syria crisis and renewing its call for concerted global efforts to help ease the humanitarian situation in Syria.”

He pointed out that “Solving the humanitarian problems in Syria necessitates not only emergency aid, but also needs to eliminate their root causes”.

Wang suggested that “the UN should sum up its experience, design a comprehensive roadmap and mobilize resources globally to cope with the situation.”

On the sideline of the conference, Wang clarified that China will donate 10,000 tons of food to help ease the food shortages among “Syria refugees”, hoping that new efforts will be made to realize peace and stability in Syria and help ease the humanitarian situation.


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