Wednesday weather forecast: Cold weather, temperatures below average


Damascus, SANA Temperatures will rise, but remain below average by 5 to 8 degrees as the country is influenced by low air pressure in all layers of the atmosphere.

The Meteorology Department expected in its Wednesday bulletin that skies are partly cloudy and the weather is very cold, warning against frost and fog forming in most areas.

The winds will be northeasterly of light speed, while the sea waves will be of low amplitude.

The expected temperature degrees in some main Syrian cities are as follows: Damascus 06/-01, Daraa 05/-03, Homs 04/-03, Hama 05/-04, Hasaka 05/-02,
Lattakia 10/04, Aleppo 05/-01 and Deir Ezzor 07/- 01.

H. Zain/ H. Said

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