Armed forces destroy terrorist dens, down drones in Aleppo and Idleb countryside

Damascus, SANA-Units of our armed forces, in cooperation with friendly Russian forces, destroyed a number of terrorist dens and vehicles and shot down their drones in the countryside of Aleppo and Idleb.

A military source said in a statement “in response to the ongoing violations and attacks launched by terrorist organizations on safe towns and villages and our military sites, units of our armed forces operating in the direction of the Aleppo and Idleb countryside carried out several specific focused strikes, in cooperation with friendly Russian forces, they targeted the terrorists’ dens, vehicles, and heavy equipment, which led to their complete destruction and the killing and wounding of dozens of terrorists.”.

The source added “a unit of our armed forces responded to a terrorist attack with drones and was able to destroy and shoot down a number of drones and prevent them from reaching their targets.”.


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