QSD militia continues kidnapping campaigns in Raqqa and its countryside

Raqqa, SANA-US occupation-backed QSD militia continued its kidnapping campaigns against young people in Raqqa city to force them to fight in its ranks.

Local sources told SANA reporter that QSD militia stormed a number of houses in Rmaileh neighborhood, east of Raqqa city, kidnapped a number of young men, while other armed groups affiliated to the militia stormed the neighborhoods of al-Tabqa city and al-Mahmoudali town and the adjacent villages, west of the city, kidnapped a number of young men and took them to its military camps to force them to fight in its ranks

On Monday, QSD militia intensified its storming campaigns in a number of areas in Hasaka southern countryside and Raqqa city, and kidnapped dozens of young men and took then to unknown destination.

Hala Zain




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