Setting files of the wanted in Douma and other towns in Eastern Ghouta starts

Damascus Countryside, SANA- The settlement process of the wanted in a number of towns in eastern Ghouta and Adra al-Balad in Douma area and its surroundings, Damascus countryside stared within the framework of the settlement agreements proposed by the State.

On Monday, Douma city had witnessed a huge festivity celebrating the start of the settlement process in the city and in a number of towns and villages in eastern Ghouta.

The settlement includes the wanted civilians, deserters and those who have evaded the compulsory and reserve military service in Douma, Adra al-Balad, al-Nashabiya, Erbin, Kafer Batna, Saqba, Ein Tarma and Zamalka to allow them to return to their normal life .

Manar Salameh/Hala Zain

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