Idleb governorate and ICRC delegation discuss cooperation to secure drinking water

Idleb, SANA – Idleb Governor and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) discussed means of cooperation to the effect of securing the basic needs of the people of the northern province, particularly with regard to drinking water.

An ICRC delegation is visiting Idleb city with the aim to enhance cooperation and coordination with the governorate to follow up on the relief work and secure the needs of the province, according to the delegation’s chairperson Silvia Izzo.

Both sides discussed ways to cooperate in efforts to supply Idleb city with four additional potable water treasurers after the required studies are done.

Governor Kheir-Eddin al-Sayyed affirmed during the meeting, which took place on Monday, that work is underway to repair old artesian wells and drilling new ones in Idleb city to support the existing water resources and improve the situation of drinking water in it.

Manar al-Frieh/Haifa Said

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