Updated- Syria, Iran discuss developing joint strategic economic cooperation

Tehran, SANA- Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Ali Ghanem discussed with Iranian Transport and Urban Development Minister, Head of the Iranian side at the Syria and Iran Ministerial Economic Committee Mohammad Eslami means to develop strategic cooperation between the two countries in the fields of economy, investment and production, particularly in the petroleum and oil industry.

During a meeting held in Tehran on Wednesday, both sides affirmed determination to continue bilateral cooperation process and to upgrade the level of those relations to be up to the level of the distinguished political relations between the two countries.

The two sides reiterated the need for achieving a true partnership between the Syrian and Iranian businessmen at the private and public sectors.

Ghanem also discussed with Advisor to Iran’s First Vice President, Chairman of the Joint Committee on Development of Economic Relations between Iran, Syria, and Iraq Hassan Danaiefar means to upgrade economic, commercial and investment relations and trade exchange between Syria and Iran.

Talks during the meeting also affirmed that the current stage entails doubling efforts so as to reach the best outcomes in the joint projects between the two side.

In the same context, Ghanem discussed with Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier Gen. Amir Hatami the bilateral relations, the latest developments in Syria and the victories achieved by the Syrian Arab army over terrorism.

Minister Ghanem said that Iran is a partner in the victories achieved against terrorism, asserting that Syria will continue fighting terrorism till it will eradicate  it from every inch of its territories.

For his Part, Hatami expressed his country’s continued support to Syria in its war against terrorism, noting that “as we have stood by Syria in its war against terrorism we will stand by the Syrians in the reconstruction stage”.

H. Zain/ Ruaa al-Jazaeri

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