Shaaban: War on Syria refuted claims on objectivity and neutralism of Western media

Damascus, SANA- Presidential Political and Media Adviser Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban stressed that the war on Syria refuted what has been promoted by Western media with regard to its credibility and objectivity and its adoption of the freedom of media and neutralism.

During an intellectual symposium held by Culture Ministry under the title of “Wars’ Propaganda” at al-Assad National Library on Wednesday, Shaaban said that the US administration has become aware of the role of media in the military operations since its war on Vietnam as it has sought in its wars to mobilize whole media systems to promote its military schemes.

Shaaban talked about the dimensions of media war waged on Syria, indicating that since the first days of the war Western ambassadors and correspondents of news agencies   have been withdrawn and media offices were closed, and they have been replaced with persons under pseudonyms such as “eyewitnesses” and they haven’t adhered to the professional ethics.

“The aim behind that has been targeting Syria and justifying the war against it,” Shaaban said, noting that most of the international resolutions against Syria have been based on what is promoted by those.

She indicated that despite of the media siege imposed on Syria, the national and the resistance media have worked on breaking this siege, underlining the necessity of not surrendering to the distorted images promoted by Western media and of conveying what is taking place in our region to the whole world.

Participating in the symposium, Australian Researcher Tim Anderson, who wrote a book titled “Dirty War on Syria”, thanked the Syrian Arab Army for its sacrifices, indicating that the media propaganda has been a part of a war that targeted seven states in the region including Syria within a new hegemony project that seeks to achieve the goals of the previous colonial stage, but in a different way.

Anderson asserted that the colonial media works on making war a natural status quo within the world of politics and on remodeling the interference under the pretext that it seeks to achieve humanitarian purposes along with fighting the states which confront the colonial project and seek to preserve their sovereignty.

Ruaa Jazaeri

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