Electricity Minister: Qboun3 power station will partly work within a month and completely by the end of the year

Damascus, SANA – Electricity Minister Mohammad Zuheir Kharboutli said that the power station of al-Qaboun 3 will be partly restored within a month and will be completely put in service by the end of the current year, pointing out that the station is being rehabilitated by national expertise.

The Minister’s words came during inspecting the technical workshops that are repairing the station with Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade Mohammad Samer al-Khalil.

The station, put in service in 2009, feeds the eastern and northern parts of Damascus city and a big part of the eastern outskirts of Damascus Countryside Province, clarifying that it was hit by terrorists in 2012 causing it to break down.

Minister Khalil for his part said that the government works on restoring electricity current to all parts of the country, considering it a top priority in view to its role in operating factories and the productive sectors.


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