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Photo Reports

February, 2019

  • 28 February

    Snowfalls in Sweida province 28-02-2019

  • 27 February

    Homs province on 27-02-2019

  • 27 February

    Rainfalls in Damascus on Wednesday morning (Photos)

    Damascus, SANA- As the month of February draws to a close, the early hours of Wednesday morning witnessed heavy rainfalls in Damascus City. SANA’s camera toured the streets of the …

  • 25 February

    Weapons and ammo left behind by terrorists found in Quneitra and Damascus countryside

  • 25 February

    Al-Martini Street in Aleppo

  • 24 February

    Hasaka marks International Mother Language Day

  • 24 February

    Al-Nuri Bimaristan in Damascus…First medical university in the East

    Damascus, SANA- Al-Nuri Bimaristan or (Medicine and Sciences Museum) is a historical hospital and medical school in Damascus Old City, southwest of the Great Umayyad Mosque It was built in …

  • 23 February

    “Um al-Hassan” garden, historical landmark in Hama, Photos

    Hama, SANA_ “Um al-Hassan” garden is one of the oldest gardens and an important historical landmark in Hama province. It is located in the center of the city and overlooks …

  • 23 February

    Antiquities dating back to Roman Era in Amtan village in Sweida

  • 23 February

    Aleppo on 22-02-2019