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Arab, International

February, 2021

  • 15 February

    Update-Israeli occupation forces arrest thirteen Palestinians in the West Bank

    Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Israeli occupation troops on Monday arrested thirteen Palestinians in the West Bank. Wafa News Agency stated that the occupation forces stormed Nablus city, Aida camp, north of …

  • 15 February

    Turkish regime’s occupation of other states territory blatant violation of int’l law, Konečná says  

    Prague, SANA- Member of the European Parliament representing the Czech Republic Katerina Konečná said that the Turkish regime under the leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan occupies territories of other states …

  • 14 February

    Israeli occupation forces arrest two Palestinian teenagers in Occupied Jerusalem

    Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Israeli occupation forces arrested on Sunday two Palestinian teenagers from al-Tur town in the occupied Jerusalem. WAFA News Agency reported that the Israeli occupation troops stormed into …

  • 14 February

    Turkish Republican People’s Party: Erdogan’s regime provides terrorists in Syria with weapons

    Ankara, SANA-The Turkish Republication People’s Party reaffirmed that the Turkish regime headed by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan  “illegally” supported terrorist organizations in Syria with large quantities of weapons and ammunition. The …

  • 13 February

    Media report: Agreement between US, France and Britain intelligence with Daesh to carry out attacks in Syria

    Moscow, SANA-Media sources revealed on Friday that intelligence apparatus affiliated to western states, which pretend that they fight Daesh, held many meetings and agreements with leaders of the terrorist organization …

  • 13 February

    Global new coronavirus infections curve continues to drop

    Paris, SANA- The new coronavirus infections curve continued to decline this week, recording the lowest level since last October. With an average of 412,700 daily infections worldwide this week, the …

  • 12 February

    Russian authorities arrest two persons involved in financing terrorism in Syria

    Moscow, SANA- The Russian authorities have arrested two persons involved in financing a terrorist organization in Syria. TASS News Agency quoted sources at Russian authorities as saying that investigations related …

  • 12 February

    One Palestinian martyred, three injured as Israeli settler run over them

    Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- One Palestinian was martyred and three others were injured on Friday when an Israeli settler ran over them in northern al-Aghwar in the West Bank. Palestinian media …

  • 11 February

    Russian security source: Terrorists affiliated with al-Nusra train militants to commit crimes in Russia

    Moscow, SANA- A Russian security source announced that terrorists affiliated with Jabhat al-Nusra are training militants to commit crimes in different Russian streets and cities. The leaders of the terrorist …

  • 11 February

    Coercive measures imposed on Syria should be lifted, two Czech Parliamentarians say

    Prague, SANA-Deputy Chairman of Defense Committee in Czech Chamber of Deputies, Radovan Vích, described the economic coercive measures imposed on Syria as “inhuman.”  In statement to SANA reporter in Prague, …