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Tag Archives: ISIS

Russian General Staff: 169 sorties against 484 positions for terrorists in Syria

Moscow, SANA- The Russian General Staff announced on Monday that 169 sorties against 484 positions for terrorist organizations in Syria were carried out during the past three days. RT website …

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Five civilians killed, six injured in ISIS terrorist mortar attack in Deir Ezzor

Deir Ezzor, SANA- Five civilians were killed and six others were wounded in an ISIS terrorist attack with mortar shells launched by ISIS terrorists at al- Joura and al-Qossour neighborhoods …

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Foreign Ministry: Countries that support terrorism in Syria responsible for ISIS massacre in Deir Ezzor

Damascus, SANA – The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said that the bloody massacre committed by ISIS against innocent civilians in al-Bghailiye suburb in Deir Ezzor province is a continuation of …

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ISIS commits massacre in village in Deir Ezzor, claiming the lives of 300 civilians

Deir Ezzor, SANA –ISIS terrorists committed a massacre in al-Bghailiye village in Deir Ezzor’s western countryside, claiming the lives of around 300 civilians, most of them women, children, and elderly …

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Russian Air Force destroyed around 1,100 terrorist positions in Syria since beginning of 2016

Moscow, SANA – The General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation said that the Russian Air Force destroyed around 1,100 terrorist positions in Syria since the beginning …

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The Army destroys terrorists’ positions, kills large number of them across the country

Provinces, SANA-Units of the army and the armed forces, backed by the Syrian army air force, on Monday continued to launch wide-scaled military operations against the Takfiri terrorist organizations across …

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Mikdad: ISIS acts similar to Saudi regime’s

Damascus, SANA – Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Dr. Fayssal Mikdad said Syria rejects taking part in any illusive religious or sectarian coalitions under the pretext of fighting terrorism. In …

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Putin: Stances on Syria firm, no state-level prospect with Turkish government

Moscow, SANA – Russian President Vladimir Putin reiterated that the Russian stances towards Syria are firm and principled, adding that there is no alternative for a political solution to the crisis …

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Russian Air Force destroys 109 oil tankers for ISIS

Damascus, SANA-A military source said on Wednesday that 320 terrorists were killed and 109 oil tankers for ISIS were destroyed in the past 24 hours. The source said in a …

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Russian Defense Ministry: 204 terrorists’ sites destroyed in Syria

Moscow, SANA- Russian Defense Ministry affirmed the destruction of 204 sites for terrorist organizations during the Russian Air Force sorties in the past 24 hours in Syria. RT website quoted …

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