Displaced Syrian families returning from Ersal arrive at housing center in Qudsaya

Damascus Countryside, SANA – Hundreds of displaced Syrian families returning from the Lebanese town of Ersal arrived on Sunday at a temporary housing center in Qudsaya suburb.

Member of the center’s board of directors Munir Abu Kihleh said a volunteer team prepared the center for the families’ arrival, and that as soon as the families arrived they were assigned rooms and provided with meals, blankets, mattresses, and food and health baskets.

He said that all the families’ needs were provided in cooperation with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC), Damascus Countryside Governorate, the Health Directorate, and civil societies, adding that a mobile clinic was dispatched to the center to cater to the families.

The SARC team distributed a total of 800 mattresses, 1,500 blankets, 500 food baskets, and 350 health baskets, in addition to kitchen baskets, detergents, diapers, and assorted supplies.

The mobile clinic’s medical team said that they examined the sick people in the center and provided them with the necessary medication, in addition to medication for children, dermatological medicine, and shampoo.

The families were transported from al-Masna’a area on the Syrian-Lebanese borders on Saturday. This process was carried out by the Social Affairs Ministry in cooperation with Damascus Countryside Governorate.

H. Sabbagh

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