1,1 million tons, the estimated  production of Citrus for current season

Damascus, SANA – Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform stressed that the primary assessment of the citrus production for the current season is 1,1 million tons, among them 75 percent in Lattakia, 24 percent in Tartous and 1 percent in other provinces.

Director of the Citrus Office in the Ministry Suhail Hamdan told al-Thawra newspaper on Sunday that the production amounts in Lattakia reached 817,000 tons, while it is estimated to reach 300,000 tons in Tartous.

Hamdan considered that the existence of the citrus trees in Lattakia and Tartous make them as a one farm as they produce 99 percent of the local production, where the cultivated areas extend over 150 km in the two provinces.

He pointed out that the office, in coordination with the Ministry, formed  several teams for protecting the citrus tree, promoting the quantity and quality of the production and finding the suitable climate for manufacturing and marketing this product in the local and foreign markets.

Hamadan also stressed that the Syrian citrus is the best in the world.

H. Zain/ Ghossoun

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