Participants in Al-Quds Day voice support for Syria, Iraq and resistance forces

Tehran, SANA – Massive rallies took place in Tehran and 850 other Iranian cities to mark the International al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day, an annual event held on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan.

The event was first initiated by the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979 to express solidarity with the Palestinian people in the face of the Zionist Israeli entity and its control of Jerusalem.

The participants in the rallies expressed solidarity with Syria, Iraq and all the resistance forces in their war against Takfiri terrorism.

In their concluding statement, the Iranian participants condemned the terrorist crimes committed in Syria and Iraq, stressing their absolute support for the approach of the resistance and for the Palestinian intifada in the face of the Israeli entity.

The statement noted that the victories achieved by the Iraqi and Syrian armies against the terrorist groups are the result of the expanding of the resistance line in the region.

It reiterated Iran’s condemnation of the brutal crimes committed by the Israeli occupation entity against the Palestinian people, emphasizing that resistance and spreading the concept of Intifada in Palestine are the best way to confront occupation.

The participants called for unity among the Palestinian factions to achieve the liberation of Jerusalem.

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M. al-Frieh/H. Said

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