Updated-Al-Jaafari: UNSC unable to prevent exportation and arming of terrorists, controlling borders and blocking TV channels that incite bloodshed in Syria

New York, SANA- Syria’s permanent representative to the United Nations Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari criticized the failure of the UN Security Council in preventing the exportation and arming of terrorists, controlling borders and blocking TV channels that incite bloodshed in Syria.

Al-Jaafari’s comments came in a speech he delivered on Wednesday evening during the UN Council Security session entitled Threats to International Peace and Security Caused by Terrorist Acts… Confronting terrorism ideology.

“Five years and more of the assassination of the Charter provisions, the international law principles and the good neighboring relations  and after exhausting all possibilities to destroy Syria’s people and infrastructure starting with terrorism and media misleading, sending mercenaries from all over the world to the country, facilitating the use of chemical weapons and trading in the pains and expectations of displaced Syrians and forming foreign opposition groups that are allied with thieves and those who support and sponsor terrorism, ” al-Jaafari said, adding “After all that, it is legal to say to those who are involved in fueling the crisis and prolonging it, get your hands off Syria…Stop meddling in our internal affairs under false pretexts that are proved to be null and void in Iraq, Syria, Libya and many other states,”

Al-Jaafari extended deepest condolences to Egyptian people and government over the police victims who were killed by the heinous terrorist attack few days ago as well as the Iraqi governed and people over the one hundred victims killed in the terrorist car bombs.

He noted that terrorism which hit Iraq and Egypt is the same terrorism that is destroying Syria, therefore, selecting today’s topic has come at the right timing.

Al-Jaafari said that the UN Security Council, and since the beginning of what it called the Syrian crisis, has convened hundreds sessions and adopted dozens of resolutions and statements and formed committees to investigate facts, yet it remains unable to take serious steps in order to put pressure on terrorism sponsors to prevent exporting foreign terrorists and mercenaries to Syria and Iraq, control the borders,  halt the infiltration of terrorists and the treatment of  injured terrorists at the Israeli hospitals with Qatari funds, and to block TV channels broadcasting from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and London that incite bloodshed and sectarian terrorism in violation of all UN resolutions related to counter-terrorism.

Al-Jaafari emphasized that Syria has repeatedly stressed its full and serious support to face threats posed by terrorism and its toxic ideology in order to uphold the values of peace, dialogue and to respect the religious, intellectual and cultural diversity.

He said: “We has always said that terrorism is the most dangerous threats to the world and it is considered the joint enemy to the whole humanity, which necessitate that the UN has to shoulder their responsibilities in coordinating and enhancing international cooperation to combat terrorism .

He stressed that such a move should be implemented away from double and selective  standards, noting that “It doesn’t make sense that the terrorist is considered a terrorist in France, Belgium, Spain, the US, Britain, Australia and Tunisia, while others like to name as a Jihadist and armed groups in other countries and a moderate armed Syrian opposition in Syria which they provide with money and weaponry, entry visas, intelligent protection and facilitate their entrance to Syria across borders.

Al-Jaafari noted that some parties have created a state of terrorism that has its own flag and media and social networking sites; it was not formed in the Israeli entity, or Turkey, or  Saudi Arabia or Qatar or Jordan, rather it is formed with its capitals in the Syrian city of al-Raqqa and the Iraqi city of al-Mosul. Later on, an international alliance was formed to confront this state so that the scene of “Creative Chaos” is completed  with the whole world is following the international alliance’s absurd play of combating the ISIS terrorist organization which lacks credibility and seriousness.

He stressed that instead of targeting the ISIS terrorists, the so-called international alliance has destroyed the Syrian state infrastructure under the pretext of combating terrorism and overlooked the ISIS trading in oil and archeological artifacts with Turkey and exporting them to the Israeli entity and other European countries across Turkish territories.

He went on to say that governments which sponsor terrorism in my country, the region and Africa have become known to all, the mask has fallen and their efforts have been thwarted. No more lies or shedding crocodile tears over the suffering of the Syrian people caused by the same governments which claim to fight terrorism,” said al-Jaafari, adding that a lot of WikiLeaks documents revealed the role of these governments in targeting Syria after the invasion of Iraq.

Al-Jaafari added “the Lords of terrorism are those who created the ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda, Jaish al-Fateh, Jaish al-Islam, Ahrar al-Sham, Jund al-Aqsa, Liwa al-Sultan Murad, the Turkistan Liberation Party, Boko Haram, al-Shabab, Jabhat al-Inqaz and other dozens of terrorist organizations affiliated to al-Qaeda, and those who supply them with money, weapons, training, fatwas, media and political protection, and those who called them as political violence and Jihadists to drop all charges of terrorism.

He noted that confronting toxic ideas which terrorist organizations, their sponsors and financiers are circulating is as important as confronting these terrorist groups’ use of chemical or biological weapons.

“It is impossible to ignore the destructive role of governments of the states which support terrorism as the Qatari and Saudi regimes are harming the Arabs and Muslims through spreading Wahabi, takfiri and extremist ideas and distorted explanations of Islam, meanwhile the Turkish regime is providing all kinds of support to the border-crossing takfiri terrorism and using it in favor of destructive agendas,”  al-Jaafari said.

He added that the civilization and cultural and religious diversity in Syria and its independent political decisions are the target of terrorism and its operators. The honorable achievements made by the Syrian Arab army and armed forces backed by their friends in their battle against terrorism such as the liberation of the historical city of Palmyra and the revival of music and art on the stage of its amphitheater set a great victory over the takfiri terrorist mentality.

He stressed the need for the Israeli occupation’s withdrawal from the occupied Syrian Golan and other occupied Arab territories and putting an end to the occupation authorities’ practices backing terrorism which led to expelling the UNDOF troops from the area of separation in the occupied Golan and replacing them with terrorists affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra and Liwa al-Yarmouk organizations.

Al-Jaafari said that it is regretful and shameful that Europe has recently signed an agreement with Erdogan regime in a way that permits the exploitation and trade in the situation of refugees and displaced people and their suffering to exempt Turkish citizens from visa requirements to enter the EU countries, achieving cheap material gains.

The UN Security Council on Wednesday adopted a statement demanding the counter-terrorism committee to work together with other active sides in the UN and its member states to submit a proposal to the Council before next April 30th to reach out a comprehensive international framework to confront claims and stories on which the terrorist organizations rely to encourage the recruitment of new members to commit terrorist acts utilizing social networking sites and other modern technologies.

Speaking at the session, Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin, said it is time to mobilize international resources to confront the terrorist ideology, and “we are convinced that we need to take effective measures to combat terrorism basing on international law and the UN Security Council resolutions away from double standard policies.

For his part, China Permanent Representative to the UN underlined the necessity of establishing new type of international relations that is based on spreading moderate ideas, calling upon the international community to act and prevent the terrorist organizations from using the Internet to spread their takfiri and extremist ideas through forming an international network to combat terrorism and hold those who are spreading these ideas among the youth accountable for their deeds.

R.Raslan / Ghossoun


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