President al-Assad: The Russian role has redrawn the international political map

Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad received on Tuesday the visiting Russian delegation that includes parliamentarians as well as religious, social and media figures.

The historical relations binding the people of Russia and Syria and the situation in Syria and the war waged against terrorism were the main points of discussion during the meeting.

President al-Assad said the great achievements made in terms of eliminating large numbers of terrorists and forcing them out of many areas have been the result of the steadfastness of the Syrian people and army and the effective support of friends, mainly Russia.

The positive role Russia is playing whether inside Syria or on the international level has helped redraw the international political map, the President noted.

He added that this role has proved that Russia is a super power following a strategy that is based on adherence to principles and values and compliance with the international law.

The Russian delegation members, for their part, stressed that the Russian parliament supports the Syrians’ resilience and determination to maintain their state.

They considered that Syria has had this unjust terrorism war waged against it and the economic blockade imposed on its people because of it being one of few countries that are still firmly clinging to their sovereignty and independence, which is quite evident through the high popular momentum surrounding the parliamentary elections.

H. Said

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