Interior minister: Combating terrorist crimes top task of internal security

Damascus, SANA-Interior Minister Mohammad al-Shaar said stamping out crimes that terrorist groups are committing ranks among the top tasks of the internal security forces in general, and the Criminal Security forces in particular.

Al-Shaar, who was speaking during his meeting on Saturday with Criminal Security members and officers in Damascus, said terrorist crimes are intended to undermine society and destroy the institutions’ structures.

He urged the officers and members to leave no stone unturned and “employ everything at their disposal” for stemming such crimes so as to protect the society’s security and public order that leads up to establishing the comprehensive stability that the states seeks.

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The key task of the Criminal Security forces is to protect the prestige of the state and mobilize efforts for countering terrorist crimes, vowing zero tolerance with those who show dereliction of duties or fall foul of the law.

The interior minister called on the officers and members to show prudence and valor when carrying out their duties, urging them to be kind when dealing with citizens.
M. Ismael


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