Al-Jaafari: Legitimate influential international alliance only way to combat terrorism

New York, SANA – Permanent Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic to the United Nations, Bashar Al-Jaafari, said that the only way to combat terrorism lies in establishing a legitimate influential international alliance with the participation of concerned states, topped by Syria which resembles the main party in the anti-terrorism war in the region.

Al-Jaafari’s remarks came during an open discussion session Monday at the UN Security Council entitled “Preserving International Peace and Security, and respecting UN Charter principles and goals”.

He stressed the importance of respecting the sovereignty of States, their territorial integrity, legality and sovereignty, the peaceful settlement of international disputes and non -interference in the internal affairs of other States, adding “That is the sole approach that anchors the rule of law on the international scene. Respect for international peace and security guarantees development and strengthens cordial relations among member States.”

Some member states’ attempt to justify their military intervention in Syria under the pretext of combating ISIS terrorist organization without coordination with the Syrian Government which violates the UN Charter and apparently manipulate the international law in order to undermine Syria’s sovereignty, prolong the state of terrorism and overlook its supporters, he added.

Moreover, imposing unilateral measures against the Syrian people and depriving them from their living requirements such as food, fuel and medicine as well as igniting the whole situation aim at finding excuses for military intervention on the basis of false humanitarian pretexts, as we saw in the Libyan experience and its disastrous effects on the Libyan people and the whole world.

Al-Jaafari underlined the UN’s inability to take the necessary measures under the Charter to implement many of its resolutions of international legitimacy, particularly those calling for an end to the Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan and other occupied Arab territories in Palestine and South of Lebanon, and for Israel to end its aggressive policies against Arab citizens living under occupation in the States of the region.

He criticized some states’ practices to manipulate the UN Charter’s provisions, the adoption of double-standard policy and new terminology, concepts and principles to circumvent the UN Charter’s provisions and the international law. These new concept that do not enjoy full international support and have been used to justify colonialist, bloody, military interventions in certain areas which cause chaos and terrorism, for example interfering in Libya under claims of protecting civilians has led to the killing of 150.000 Libyan people and turned the country into the focus of terrorism.

The United Nations, which won the Second World War and defeated fascism and racism, must now work seriously and sincerely to address the tidal wave of terrorism represented by terrorist organizations, such as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and Jabhat Al-Nusra, in Syria and other Al-Qaida-linked groups, including Boko Haram, the Movement of East Turkestan, the Caucasus Emirate, Ansar al-Sharia, Al-Shabaab, noted al-Jaafari.

He reaffirmed, in this respect, that all efforts aimed at putting an end to terrorism will be successful only if we stick to the principles of the Charter and international law and cooperate with the governments and institutions of the States involved, since certain States make use of terrorism as a tool for international policies, and only if we stop ignoring the fact that others actually practice terrorism.

“The situation in Syria and other States of the region demonstrates the deplorable state the United Nations is in,” said al-Jaafari, indicating that certain member states have used this forum to intervene flagrantly in the internal affairs of Syria and worked relentlessly to provoke violence, spread lies, demonize the Syrian Government, exacerbate the crisis and support terrorism in all its forms, in addition to hindering efforts to achieve a settlement,
destabilize Syria and undermine its policies and its strategic, national sovereign choices in order to promote regime change through force and terrorism.

Al-Jaafari denounced the Security Council’s silence towards the Turkish and Saudi aggressions against Syria’s sovereignty and territory, as well as its inability to end such transgressions and preserve international peace and security, noting the repeated hostile actions of the Turkish regime against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria and intervening its troops in a move supporting terrorism inside the Syrian territories after depending many times on mercenaries and foreign terrorists, who were brought in cooperation with governments of  other states and shelling areas where Syrian Kurds are there as well as positions of the Syrian Arab army with heavy artillery in addition to sending tens of loaded vehicles with rifles and gunmen from the Turkish mercenary forces.

The Syrian UN envoy drew attention that the Turkish regime provided such terrorist organization (ISIS and al-Nusra) with chemical weapons to be used against the Syrian government forces and civilians as well as to be used later to charge the Syrian government of using them.
H e wondered how could be interpreted the silence of the UN about the continued and systematic violations of some states of its resolutions including resolutions 1267, 1373, 2170, 2178, 2199, 2253.

Al-Jaafari pointed out that these aggressive exercises come at the same time when the Saudi regime is calling for military intervention in Syria under the pretext of combating ISIS which has been established and fostered by this regime and its extremist Wahhabist ideology.

He wondered “which international peace and security are we talking about in light of the Security Council’s silence on these exercises”, expressing deep sorrow over reviewing these incidents in light of the death of hundreds daily in Syria and other countries and amidst the United Nation’s inability to question the masters of the international terrorism with an unprecedented disrespect reaching a point where the Saudi regime become in charge of running
the UN Counterterrorism Center, Qatar entrusted to adopt Dialogue of Civilizations, Turkey to host the World Humanitarian Summit and Jordan authorized with the membership of the UNSC Humanitarian Troika before its membership is expired.

The Senior Syrian Diplomat said that the UN is still the best available choice for combating big and complicated challenges facing humanity, adding that the UN should make up for the big gaps and shoulder its responsibilities towards its member states according to the Charter and in fulfillment to the aspirations of its founders.

Al-Jaafari commenced his statement with welcoming the chairing of “this important meeting” by the Foreign Minister of the friendly country of Venezuela, congratulating the Bolivarian state of presiding over the UNSC for the current month, renewing Syria’s support to Venezuela’s honorable stances in the Council for preserving international peace and security.
R. Raslan/ R. Milhem/ Barry

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