65 trucks loaded with humanitarian aid enter Madaya, Kafrya and al-Foua’a-Video

Damascus, Idleb-SANA-65 trucks, loaded with humanitarian aid, entered on Monday the towns of Madaya, Kafrya and al-Foua’a in the countryside of Damascus and Idleb.

The move comes in cooperation among the UN, Syrian Red Crescent and International Red Cross.


“Four trucks loaded with different kinds of humanitarian aid entered Kafrya and al-Foua’a in Idleb countryside and four others entered Madaya in Damascus countryside at the same time,” Jacob al-Hilo, the UN resident representative in Syria said earlier at the entrance of Madaya.

He added some 40 additional trucks, loaded with medical and food materials are expected to enter Madaya tonight, while a number of same trucks will go to the two towns of Idleb countryside under the supervision of the said organizations.

Al-Hilo revealed that today’s aid is the first batch of humanitarian aids which will be completed  next Thursday,.



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