Sending troops into Syria without its consent would be a violation of int’l law, stresses al- Jaafari

New York, SANA – Sending military forces into Syria without the Syrian government’s consent would be a breach of the international law, Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari said on Thursday.

In an interview given to the Russian Sputnik news agency, al-Jaafari made it clear that sending troops by any state to Syria to fight ISIS or to train forces to that effect without the Syrian government’s consent or coordination with it would be a gross violation of the UN Charter and the international law with regards to respecting sovereignty.

Syria will continue fighting ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorist organizations, groups, entities and individuals linked to al-Qaeda, stressed al-Jaafari, adding that this is being carried out in accordance with Syria’s constitutional responsibilities and as per the principles of the international law, the rules of the UN Charter and the Security Council’s relevant resolutions.

He also affirmed that Syria is open to any bilateral or multilateral cooperation that would contribute to achieving the desired goals provided that the Syrian national sovereignty is respected and civilians are protected.

Such cooperation in combating terrorism, he added, must be in coordination with the Syrian government.

The Syrian ambassador noted that his country has demanded that the Security Council shoulder its responsibilities, under the UN Charter, and take the necessary actions to prevent the repetition of attacks by the US-led coalition against the Syrian infrastructure committed under the pretext of fighting ISIS.

Syria, al-Jaafari added, maintains its right to claim compensation from the coalition for the damage caused to the economic facilities, a right guaranteed by the international law.

The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry informed the UN Secretary General and the Security Council Chairman in letters on Wednesday that the US-led coalition warplanes had launched dozens of strikes against Syrian economic facilities instead of hitting ISIS targets.

H. Said

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