105 persons from Homs and Idleb have their legal status settled

Provinces, SANA – A source in Homs province told SANA that 55 gunmen from the villages and towns of al-Ghanto, al-Rastan, Talbiyseh, Termoulla, Jandar, al-Froqlus, Hasiaa and al-Qseir turned themselves in  and handed over their weapons to authorities.

The gunmen had their files settled after they pledged not to do any act that affects Syria’s security and stability.

Meanwhile, 50 more persons of those who got involved in the recent events in the country but did not commit crimes had their files settled in Idleb after having benefited from the amnesty decree issued last month.

Chief of Idleb Police Command Qahtan Ghbara said the committee charged with the process of settling the legal status of those who turn themselves in or benefit from the amnesty decree is going ahead with its work to help those return to their normal lives and re-engage them in the society.

B. Mousa/ H. Sabbagh/H. Said

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