Staffan de Mistura heading to Moscow for talks on Syria

Geneva, SANA – UN Special Envoy on Syria Staffan de Mistura expressed will for heading to Moscow to discuss the latest developments in Syria after the Russian air strikes against the terrorist organization of “Islamic State in Iraq and al- Sham” (ISIS) and other terrorist organizations.

In a press conference held in Geneva and quoted by the Russian Agency of Sputnik, de Mistura said that the Russian air strikes against terrorists in Syria are done on the basis of the UN resolution adopted according to Chapter VII of the UN Charter.

Russian warplanes carried out air strikes against terrorist organizations since September 30th, in fulfillment to the Syrian-Russian agreement on countering international terrorism and eliminating ISIS.

De Mistura pointed out that any military action should go in line with the UN Security Council in counterterrorism adopted under Chapter VII.

De Mistura claimed that what he described as “Russian military intervention in Syria” had introduced new dynamics” to the situation.

“It was urgent for Russia and the United States to reach an understanding to avert a military escalation that could effectively dismember the country,” he added.

De Mistura expressed regret that the so-called “Syrian Opposition Coalition” would boycott his proposed talks, marking a major setback to his efforts.

Earlier on September, de Mistura, set out to the Council a new approach based on the formation of four thematic working groups to work for holding dialogue among all Syrian parties.

Earlier this month, Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Mouallem announced before the UN 70th General Assembly Syria’s agreement to participate in the four brainstorming committees of experts proposed by De Mistura whose role he said is mainly to exchange ideas and conduct unbinding preliminary consultations whose agreed-upon outputs can be used to prepare for the launching of Geneva 3.

Rasha Milhem / Barry

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