Fighting terrorism impossible without coordinating with Syria, al-Jaafari says

New York, SANA -Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari said it is impossible to fight terrorism without coordinating with the legitimate government in Syria and the Syrian Arab Army.

Commenting on the French air strikes in Syria, al-Jaafari told the Russian News Agency (TASS) correspondent that French President Francois Hollande didn’t coordinate those procedures with President Bashar al-Assad.. The French army
behaved without concordance with the Syrian armed forces.

Syria’s Representative to the UN added that fighting terrorism is impossible without
cooperation with the legitimate government in Syria and the Syrian Arab Army, and that is exactly what the Russian President Vladimir Putin has meant when he described the Syrian Army as the only legitimate army which should be dealt with in combating terrorism.

France has no right in fighting terrorism unilaterally even it was a member of the so-called the alliance, al-Jaafari said, adding that this alliance is an American one, but not an international alliance and it isn’t based on a UN Security Council resolution and not unanimously backed .

In the same context, sources told TASS that office of the Secretary General of the UN was not informed about French strikes.

Over Hollande’s statement on that “President al-Assad has no role in the future of Syria”, al- Jaafari said .. that by calling to change the regime, “Hollande contradicts the UN Charter.. Such words show ignorance; mainly they were uttered at the UN headquarters.

Addressing the 2015 UN Sustainable Development Summit on Saturday, al-Jaafari said that terrorism is burning up everything all around and wiping out all the achievements made by the Syrians towards achieving development and Syria’s
economy, infrastructure, resources, its youth’s potentials and civilization are all
jeopardized by terrorism.

Also, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova underlined earlier that the French air strikes, without authorisation of the UN Security Council and the approval f the legitimate government of the country, violate the international law.

H. Zain/ Barry

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