National reconciliation minister says success of reconciliations depends on unity against enemies

Hama, SANA-Minister of State for National Reconciliation Affairs Dr. Ali Haidar said the success of ongoing national reconciliations is conditioned on that all Syrian citizens exert unified efforts against common enemies who seek to “rip the social fabric apart.”

Haidar’s comments came during his meeting on Saturday with popular and religious figures in Hama province.

National reconciliations, the minister said, are “a national and social project that seeks to stem the bloodshed in Syria and halt destruction of public and private facilities and properties.”

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He urged that civil initiatives in this regard be under the “government’s roof” to prevent any duplicity, chaos or faults that might emerge for them to be “a support, not a burden, to the government.”

The essence of reconciliation “far exceeds the release of detainees or the liberation of the kidnapped,” the minister affirmed, but, he said “amounts to a broader national concept that can be materialized by establishing social and communal connections and setting up safety networks among people.”

The Syrians do not need the tutelage of the international community, the minister stated, as he said “they can perform miracles and find an exit out of their crisis.”

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M. Ismael

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