Medvedev: Political solution only way to end crisis in Syria, fighting terrorism demands unified efforts

Moscow, SANA – Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on Thursday the only way to end the current crisis in Syria is through a political solution reached by the Syrians themselves without foreign intervention.

In an interview with the Egyptian newspaper of al-Ahram on the eve of his participation in the inauguration of the new Suez Canal, Medvedev said Russia’s position on Syria is firm, adding that the settlement there should be based on Geneva Communiqué of June 30th, 2012 and that it is the Syrians who should decide the future of their country as no side has the right to act on their behalf concerning this issue.

He stressed that Russia is communicating with the representatives of both the Syrian government and the opposition to help in creating the favorable conditions for national dialogue, adding however that the efforts of one country cannot be sufficient to confront the “new global evil” embodied in the cross-border terrorists of ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorist groups.

Countering terrorism, he said, demands unifying efforts among all countries under the rules of the international laws, including the UN Charter.

Medvedev criticized the coalition led by the US against ISIS, saying it was established without the approval of the United Nations Security Council.

M. Nassr/H. Said

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