Syrians in occupied Golan thwart Israeli attempt to demolish a house in Masada village

Occupied Syrian Golan, SANA Syrian citizens in the occupied Golan thwarted Tuesday Israeli occupation authorities’ attempt to demolish a house at the occupied village of Masada.

Hundreds of Masada and other villages inhabitants in the occupied Golan gathered and prevented the bulldozers of the Israeli authorities from reaching the house.

The Israeli authorities attempted today dawn to demolish the house of Ayman Mahmoud al-Shofi in the village of Masada under the pretext of building it without having a license.

The Israeli attempt is another attempt of its continued escalation against the Syrian citizens in the occupied Golan and a step of provocative policy which the Zionist entity is adopting against Syrians there with the aim of forcing them to yield to its conditions and dictations and expelling them from their lands.
H. Zain/ Barry

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