Some 89 industrial establishments executed in Tartous in 2015


Tartous, SANA Some 89 craft and industrial establishments were executed during the first half of 2015 in the coastal province of Tartous with a total capital amounted of  SYP 212,214 million and ensured 117 job opportunities.

Director of Tartous Industrial Department Ammar Ali told SANA Sunday that the establishments include engineering, food, chemical and textile fields.

“The newly-established facilities are distributed as 52 craft facilities with a total capital of SYP 32,714 million and ensured 44 job opportunities, and 37 industrial ones with a capital of SYP 179,5 million, employing 73 job opportunities” Ali elaborated.

Ali pointed out that 47 craft and 34 industrial
establishments were licensed according to the Investment Law No. 10 and its modifications.

He expressed the Department’s readiness to assist in moving industrial and craft facilities from unsafe areas into the province according to the instructions of the Ministry of Industry.

Tartous Industrial Department licensed, during the last year, 176 industrial and craft establishments with a total capital of more than SYP 894 million which ensured 546 job opportunities.
H. Zain/ Barry

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