Homs Governor: al-Waer settlement paves ground for restoring security and stability

Homs, SANA – Governor of Homs, Talal al-Barazi, stressed that al-Waer neighborhood in Homs province is witnessing “positive settlement” that paves the ground for restoring security and stability and allows delivery of basic aid into the neighborhood.

In a statement to SANA, Governor al-Barazi pointed out that what is happening is based on the instructions of President Bashar al-Assad to bolster national reconciliation and restore the national fabric of amity and tolerance to reach security and stability all over the country.

Al-Barazi added that the return of the kidnapped people to their families is a major part of any national reconciliation, noting that through amity and reconciliation will the Syrians gain victory over sedition and terrorism.

Delivering humanitarian aid to al-Waer neighborhood resumed, governor says


Operations of delivering humanitarian aid to civilians in al-Waer neighborhood in Homs city who were prevented by the armed terrorist groups from practicing their normal life were resumed on Saturday.

Homs Governor said, “The calming atmosphere witnessed in the neighborhood has contributed to resuming the delivery of basic materials.”

Residents of al-Waer neighborhood thanked the efforts exerted by the governorate to deliver aid, hoping the crisis going on in Syria will end as soon as possible.


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