Quneitra people: Battles against Israel and the terrorists will continue


Quneitra, SANA – Local and official figures from the liberated Quneitra province stressed that “the battles of liberation” will continue until all terrorists are driven out from Syria and the occupied Golan is fully liberated.

Quneitra-Baath city-hoisting-flag 2

They were talking during an event to hoist the Syrian flag over a government establishment in al-Baath city in Quneitra province, which was liberated from the Israeli occupation forces in 1974.

The participants affirmed that they stand by the Syrian army and armed forces in their fight against the terrorist organizations since a global war was waged against Syria in 2011.

They said confidently that the battles against the terrorists will continue, and so will the battles against the Israeli enemy to liberate every inch of the Golan’s soil, which has been occupied since 1967.

Today’s event, where the flag was hoisted on the Water Resources Directorate, is part of a plan to hoist the Syrian flag on all state-run establishments and institutions in al-Baath city, once every month.

The plan is carried out by the Baath Vanguards Organization and the Governorate of Quneitra.

Haifa Said

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