International Parliamentary Forum in Moscow says Syria is gripped by Western-backed war targeting Syrians’ values

Moscow, SANA _The 3rd international parliamentary forum which kicked off in Moscow on Thursday is set to discuss modern threats to the norms of international law and parliamentary cooperation institutions and will try to find peaceful ways out of the Ukrainian crisis.

All countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), South Ossetia and Abkhazia, BRICS parliamentarians and experts are taking part in the forum.

State Duma Deputy Speaker Sregi Zheleznyak said earlier that one of the central topics for discussion will be a search for peaceful solutions for regions where military conflicts are underway.

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Syria is taking part in the forum with a parliamentary delegation headed by Dr. Abdul-Salam al-Dahmoush, member of the People’s Assembly.

The MP said in a speech that the Syrian people highly appreciates the stances of the friendly people of Russia in support of Syria through the crisis, support he said “is not uncharacteristic of Russia which has long fought for its sovereignty.”


He applauded the deep Syrian-Russian relations that he described as unbreakable, noting that Syria is in the grip of a fierce war in which terrorists from as many as 80 countries are fighting the Syrian army and people.

“What Syria has been facing over three years is a terrorist war that targets the human and social values of the Syrian people, damaging infrastructure and service institutions, a war financed admittedly by Western and Arab states,” he said.

He called for setting binding frameworks for all countries and governments based on respect for international law, the sovereignty of nations and the non-interference in their internal affairs.

Speaking to SANA reporter in Moscow, Russian officials condemned the terrorist acts rocking the Syrian cities and towns, saying that a primary goal of the forum is to lobby parliamentarians round the world to support Syria in its battle against terrorism.

M. Ismael












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