Family tracking project succeeds in reuniting children with their families in Homs

Homs, SANA -The efforts of the family tracking project, which was launched in May 2014 by Social Affairs Ministry in cooperation with United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the community in Homs, succeeded in returning tens of children to their families in Homs.

The project aims to establish a database of children who were separated from their families due to the current situation in Syria and help reunite them with their families or find foster families for them, in addition to providing other sorts of support for the children.

Ahmad Temraz, a social worker at the Juveniles Observation Center in Homs and a member of the project, said that the project team began studying existing cases at the Center and managed to find the parents of four of the children who were staying at the Center, in addition to locating the relatives of other children who had lost their parents.

Temraz adding that the team doesn’t just tracks families and reunited them; it also studies and analyzes the psychological and social conditions of children and helps them develop their skills and talents.

He spoke of one of the most touching stories he came across during his work on the project, which is the case of the child Ahmad who came to the center two years ago, saying that he came from Damascus where his parents were separated, and he had to work to survive, and so he was placed at the center until his parents could be located.

During his stay, Ahmad showed talent and a psychological stability, and started teaching other children to draw and pain and even began writing poetry and prose, despite having dropped out of school after the 7th grade.

Eventually, the project managed to track down Ahmad’s older brother, an event which had a very positive effect on the youth’s morale, and the paperwork for giving the brother custody of Ahmad is currently being done.

Manar al-Freih / Hazem Sabbagh

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