Syrians living in Europe celebrate Independence Day in Germany

Frankfurt, SANA – Syrian expatriates in Europe stressed that they are standing side by side with their fellow Syrians back home and that they support their leadership and army in their efforts to  preserve Syria’s sovereignty and independence.

The remarks came during a national event held in  the German city Frankfurt that brought together Syrian expatriates from all over Europe to celebrate the 69th anniversary of the Independence Day, a national holiday marking the end of the French colonial mandate of Syria on April 17, 1946.مغتربين-1-620x330

The participants said they are confident that just like the Syrian People forced out the French soldiers of their land in 1946 and won the independence battle, they are now able to rout terrorism and defeat the forces of aggression targeting the homeland.

The expatriates taking part in the event represented the Syrian communities in Romania, Bulgaria, Sweden, the Netherlands, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, France, Russia, Switzerland and Germany.

Manar al-Frieh/Haifa Said

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