PM: More efforts to accommodate university students

Damascus, (SANA) Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi said the government is working hard to accommodate post-high school students through opening new colleges and universities across the provinces, the latest was Hama university.

During a tour he made to a number of exam rooms at the faculties of Dentistry, Pharmacy and Arts and Humanities in Damascus University, al-Halqi called for more efforts to secure all requirements to increase the number of faculties and educational facilities and enhance capabilities of the teaching staff.

“The will to live and the culture of enlightenment the Syrians are known for have contributed to having the education process running successfully,” the Premier said.


In a statement to the reporters, al-Halqi stressed that the government is keen to rehabilitate the faculties and educational centers which have sustained damage due to the terrorist groups’ acts, citing in particular al-Furat and Aleppo universities, in addition to some auditoriums at Damascus University.

Rehabilitation works, he added, will go in line with the continuous efforts to open new colleges and complete work in the educational facilities under construction.

Last May a new  university was established in Hama province with 11 faculties.

In addition to Hama University, there are five other universities in Syria. Those include Damascus University, Aleppo University, Lattakia- based Tishreen University, al-Baath University and Deir Ezzor-based al-Furat University.

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