Syria determined to go forward till overcoming terrorism, al-Baath Party says

Damascus, SANA The Syrian People, armed by awareness and national unity will foil the hostile schemes aiming at fragmenting and partitioning the country and will prevent the conspirators with their takfiri ideology to undermine Syria, the Regional Leadership of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party (BASP) said.

In a statement on Monday marking the 68th anniversary of its establishment, BASP Leadership reiterated that Syria, leadership, army and people, will remain resilient  and offer sacrifices for maintaining its territorial integrity, heritage, history, pan-Arab identity and coexistence among its people.

Syria will continue fighting terrorism and holding national reconciliations till achieving the political solution and foiling the schemes of the countries supporting terrorists and conspirators,  the statement went to say.

Syria, home of al-Baath Party, is resolved to go forward in its struggle path till achieving victory over terrorism, international and regional conspiring states and their tools, thanks to the awareness of its people, unity and their support to the army under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad, the Regional Secretary of the Party in a way that keeps the country unified and protected, the statement concluded.

H. Zain/ Barry

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