Al-Dahhak: Israeli crimes in Palestine, its aggression on Syria and Lebanon pose threats to the whole Arab region

New York, SANA -Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Qusay al-Dahhak, stressed Tuesday that Arab region is witnessing a state of instability due to Israeli ongoing aggression on the Palestinians, repeated attacks on Syrian territory, as well threats to launch an aggression on Lebanese territory.

“The US and its allies have put the interests of occupying entity above the principles of international law and human rights charter”, al-Dahhak said during a Security Council session on the situation in the Middle East.

He went on saying that these countries also have provided all forms of political, military and financial support for Israeli occupation and for decades, they have prevented Security Council from assuming its responsibilities in implementing relevant resolutions to put an end to the occupation.

Al-Dahhak noted that the US and its allies , for many years, have used slogans of human rights to interfere in internal affairs of Syria and other countries and destabilize security, adding that they deliberately used UN agencies and other international organizations to target Syria through setting up committees that lack legitimacy, objectivity and credibility.

The Permanent Representative stressed that Syrians’ suffering continues due to the unilateral Western coercive measures which have affected all aspects of daily life and have caused severe damage to various vital sectors, wondering how siege, starving peoples and depriving them of medical equipment would serve the interests of those peoples.

He underscored the need for UN Secretariat to issue a study related to the effects of coercive measures on humanitarian work in Syria as soon as possible, calling on the UN to exert more efforts to support Syrian people and provide the required funding for humanitarian aid and early recovery projects.

As he noted that while all relevant UN resolutions affirm full respect for Syria’s sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, the illegitimate presence of Turkish and US occupation forces continues on parts of Syrian territory.

He also signaled to the continued suffering of more than one million people in Hasaka city and its countryside, due to depriving them of water for more than 10 months by Turkish occupation and US occupation-backed militia

Latifa Moammar/ Rafah al-Alloni

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