Syrian, Saudi Arabian talks on boosting aspects of cultural cooperation

Riyadh, SANA- Syria and Saudi Arabia discussed Saturday aspects of cultural cooperation between the two brotherly countries, especially in the field of restoring archaeological remains and developing museum exhibitions.

That came during a meeting between Minister of Culture, Dr. Labana Mshaweh and Undersecretary of Culture Saudi Ministry.

The talks, which were held on the sidelines of Minister Mshaweh’s visit to Saudi Arabia, at the invitation of Culture Saudi Minister Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan Al Saud, dealt with means of supporting traditional crafts and industries, preserving intangible heritage to be inscribed on human heritage lists.

Minister Mshaweh and the accompanying delegation visited Diriyah Contemporary Art Biennale hosted by Saudi Arabia, and hailed the works exhibited by a number of artists.

Rafah al-Allouni

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