Celebration marking World Water Day held in Al-Hamra Theatre in Damascus

Damascus, SANA – A celebration marking World Water Day was held on Sunday at Al-Hamra Theatre in Damascus under the title of “Snow Flower.”

The celebration, which is organized by the Water Resources Ministry, consisted of a theatrical music and dance performance on Syria’s history and how water ties into it as a symbol of fertility and prosperity.

The performance was written and directed by Louay Jamil Shana and performed by Ajial Group for Dance Theatre and Al-Qabani Gathering Group for Theatrical and Musical Arts, with actress Thara’a Debsi narrating the story.

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In a speech at the event, Deputy Prime Minister for Services Affairs, Local Administration Minister Omar Ghalawanji, said that preserving water is a necessity in light of all the challenges facing Syria currently, stressing the need to rationalize the use of this vital resource, particularly since terrorists are attacking water sources or seizing control of them in an attempt to weaken the state and harm the people.

Ghalwanji affirmed that preserving the resources and maintaining the good quality of water supplies is a chief priority for the Syrian government, and that it will continue to work towards limiting the wasting of water via awareness campaigns.

In turn, Water Resources Minister Kamal al-Sheikha said that water security has become a very vital concept in light of the current situation in Syria, underlining the efforts exerted by the Ministry to provide water to citizens and repair the damage caused to the water infrastructure by terrorists despite all difficulties that were compounded by dry seasons.

Hazem Sabbagh

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