Attia: Syria doesn’t recognize OPCW (Investigation and Identification Team) that lacks legitimacy

The Hague, SANA-The permanent representative of the Syrian Arab Republic to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Ambassador Milad Attia, delivered a statement on Wednesday before the 103rd session of the Organization’s Executive Council, whose works will last until next Friday, and will have the participation of 41 members of the Council.

“Based on Syria’s belief that the CWC is one of the key international agreements to provide for the elimination of an entire category of weapons of mass destruction within a fixed time frame, Syria has joined it and implemented all its obligations in a record time under very difficult circumstances’ Attia said.

Ambassador Attia clarified that Syria has experienced historically unprecedented “false accusations” of not cooperating with the organization and its Technical Secretariat, noting that behavior of those countries is blatantly contradicted with provisions of the agreement and with the principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations and this behavior is only an attempt to use the organization and the other technical aspects in the “chemical file” to serve its political hostile purposes against Syria to which, despite all that, Syria continued its full positive cooperation with the organization and its teams.

The Ambassador pointed out that Syria cooperated with the teams of the “investigation mission” and provided them with all the facilities to guarantee the success of their tasks, as long as this mission respects the provisions of the Convention and works in a professional manner.

Attia also stressed Syria’s firm position on the “investigation and identification team” that lacks legitimacy, which was given a mandate that violates the provisions of the agreement. Therefore, Syria, along with other countries, does not recognize the legitimacy of the team and its work, and rejects any outputs issued or will be issued by it in the future, based on its respect, compliance and commitment to the provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention.

Ambassador Attia called for an international cooperation to confront the illegal restrictions imposed by some countries on the transfer of scientific technology, for peaceful purposes,  and face the  illegitimate unilateral coercive measures that prevent some states from achieving economic and scientific development.

Kinda al-Mahmoud/ Mhamad

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